"The best way to get approval is not to need it. This is equally true in art and business. And love. And sex. And just about everything else worth having." -Hugh MacLeod, cartoonist
Daily Painting: Day 9
Remembering Summer Vacation 5x7 Quick Study |
Do you need approval? Why? Why do we so often seek approval of one sort or another? Also, whose approval do we seek? The approval from one is not the same as the approval from another, now is it? For example, I know my father would look at this painting and probably every other one I've ever made and say, "it's amazing, you are so talented." He was my biggest fan and I admit it is one reason I miss him so. It is true I always wanted to please and have the approval of my dear father. However, his approval at least where art is concerned, was not the same as the approval of say a peer, a teacher, a mentor, a art juror. His was the "unconditional" type of approval that comes out of love and relationship. That kind of approval should perhaps be the kind we most seek and treasure because its a much deeper, wiser, kinder approval that really can lead to greater encouragement. Instead we let someone who doesn't really know us, our journey, our process, or our work, judge us. Unfortunately, its that approval or disapproval that we allow to define us. We can't let others define us according to whether or not they approve of us, or our ways, or our work. Approval means we are doing something right. But who is to say what is right? Just keep doing what you love and you'll have your heart's approval and anything after that is added frosting on the cake.
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