Friday, January 12, 2018

Do what you love and love what you do!

"Whatever you like doing, do it!  And keep doing it.  Work hard!  In the end, passion and hard work beat out natural talent. (And anyway, if you love what you do, it's not really "work" anyway.) - Pete Docter, animator

Daily Painting - Day 8
daily painting, pastel painting, learning pastels
Mountain Road 2
5x7 Quick Study
Same inspiration photo as yesterday but different approach.  I lowered the horizon line to put a little more emphasis on the clouds.  I also created the underpainting with cooler colors giving the entire painting a cooler feeling.  Still there is good contrast between warm and cool colors.  I also left out the tree(s) on the right side hoping the mountain range would help balance things out (not sure).

Okay, so I forget what day I'm on as it seems I can't quite manage a painting every single day - especially when it is in oil as the...