Happy New Year! I'm a little late in starting my New Years resolution due to a nasty cold. Here we go - a painting a day (in under an hour)!
Winter Warmth, 5x7
In case you're interested in my process; I started with a thumbnail sketch, taking some artistic license and eliminating a few trees, shadows etc... and evaluating my values. I used UART 500 grit sanded paper, painted it with a bright blue pastel (it was that gorgeous sky that caught my attention). I then used alcohol to create a wash and then dabbed it while it was still wet, with some paper towel. I liked the texture. I'm a major texture fan. Then I roughly sketched in with a charcoal vine and began adding darkest values first. I'm new to pastels, new to landscapes and new to winter scenes, so come along and learn with me. Happy painting!