Sunday, January 21, 2018

Seize the Sunday!

For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD.  Exodus 35:2

I LOVE to read or perhaps even more than the love of reading is the love of learning.  So, since I had very little to do this glorious Sunday and the weather was dreary, I thought it the perfect chance to read (without falling asleep - seems I always fall asleep when I read at night).  As you will see, I have any number of books to choose from around the house.  I rarely read fiction because I would rather learn than explore the imaginary worlds of non-fiction.  I try to do that when I am creating my art.
My nightstand

My prayer space

family room
As you see, I have books scattered throughout the house and will pick them up for a few minutes here and there, sometimes longer.  I am almost finished reading Matthew Kelly's book called Perfectly Yourself.  I highly recommend, especially if you are seeking to improve your self, simplify your life and find God's will for you and become the best version of your self.

I am also in the middle of John Carlson's book on Landscape Painting.  Another wonderful book.  I had to pull out my highlighter because there is so much useful information, as I am sure I will refer to it often.  At least until these things become second nature to me - which he assures me they will, as long as I keep painting!

I started Van Gogh's Letters after I saw the movie Loving Vincent.  What an amazing movie.  The entire movie is animated oil paintings in the style of Van Gogh.  Incredible and the story is wonderful as well.  I believe it is available to rent now on Demand.  The book is a wonderful insight to the mind of this struggling artist.  I am enjoying it very much.

I'll share more with you as I get to them.  Never stop learning!
Oh and I did paint today too!

Daily Painting:  Day 14:
Today's quick study 5x7

Okay, so I forget what day I'm on as it seems I can't quite manage a painting every single day - especially when it is in oil as the...