Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Creative Growing Pains

"Unless you do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
practice pastel painting beach landscape, sand and water
My newest art obsession - Painting with Pastels - 5x7 practice

Do you have Art A.D.D.?  That is my term for someone who wants to try anything and everything related to art.  The internet is a dangerous thing because when I search for something (usually an art supply or maybe a tutorial), it inevitably leads me to some new product, gadget, art supply or technique that I never knew existed but looks so cool that I want to try it.  It is a good thing and a not so good thing.  It's good in that it gets me thinking and experimenting with new things but it is not so good in that it distracts me from really diving in deep and mastering one medium at a time.  It also costs me money because I usually need new supplies. I suppose you need to break a few eggs to make an omelet, hunh?
lampworking, glass bead making, handmade glass bead with colored fit and encased
First painting exploring mixed media (2015)
I discovered lampworking (making glass beads) years ago when I took a jewelry making class (Yes, I was searching for a medium to be passionate about and master) and someone mentioned hand made glass beads.  Of course, I needed to know more about this, so I went home and researched the internet and hence the obsession began.  However, it was a good one.  I ruled out the desire to make jewelry for the desire to make beads.  I focused strictly on bead making for 15 years until I felt my creative juices for this medium drying up and a nudge to try something else.
painting with angel and right to life, every life deserves a lifetime, inspirational art, mixed media
Exploring ideas and things I am
passionate about. (2015)

That said, I think we always need to be in a state of curiosity if we are to truly find our passion and grow.  So, I began painting.  Something I had not done since college.  I called on what I knew from my experiences many years ago.  It really is like riding a bike, you never really forget but you are a little wobbly and uncertain for a while.  Once you develop a little confidence you start taking risks.  I'm not a big risk taker.  I take little risks at a time.  Just big enough to push me somewhat out of my comfort zone but enough to see if I can succeed and that in turns gives me increased confidence.  If I fail, so be it, I stilled learned something, can't grow much without it.  I think that is one reason why I like art.  It is a tangible way to see growth.
Painting of St. Joan of Arc, saint image, image of St. Joan of Arc, saint painting
St. Joan of Arc.  Mixed media  (2017)

So, embrace your art A.D.D., but always with a focused goal in mind - to find what you are passionate about creating and do it!
art quotes, quote on growth

Okay, so I forget what day I'm on as it seems I can't quite manage a painting every single day - especially when it is in oil as the...