Monday, January 22, 2018

If at first you don't succeed

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

I joined a painting challenge.  It was to paint a painting in 20 minutes for 5 days.  First of all, I am finding this scene difficult to begin with.  I've not painted too many scenes with lots of green grass so I am struggling to find the right greens.  Then I'm trying to give the illusion of the path traveling down a hill.  I've been trying to incorporate some of the tips from John Carlson's book Landscape painting, such as warm colors in the foreground and cooler colors in the distance.  I may try this one again and again until I get something I sort of like.  I do see some improvements from the first one.

Daily Painting:  Day 15:

Same scene as yesterday
5x7 Quick Study
Same scene as above - first time painting it
5x7 Quick Study

Okay, so I forget what day I'm on as it seems I can't quite manage a painting every single day - especially when it is in oil as the...