I Didn't Choose It, It Chose Me!

Hunh? Paint? I hadn't really painted since my college days. Where to start? Hmmm, I think I found a mini mixed media lesson of sorts online. I had all the supplies (scrapbooking paper, acrylic craft paint, stencils, stamps) so I sat down and painted "my guardian angel" as the tutorial suggested.

Reading, painting, reading, painting -
-now mostly the Saints. Reassurance from family, friends and eventaully etsy sales kept me going. However, the more I painted, the more my style evolved - what was in the beginning very stylistic, simple, folksy (like the online tutorial taught me) started to become more realistic. I didn't plan it that way, it just evolved that way.The subject matter chose me!
I never, ever would have thought to paint portraits. Portraiture is intimidating and difficult, at least that is what I recalled from my school days. Yet here I am still drawn to painting portraits. In my next blog, I'll share with you how my newest love, PASTELS, chose me. I did NOT choose them.
What to paint, you ask?
Let it find you! However, you can't just sit back and wait for that magical moment. You have to do the work. May I suggest a few things to get the ball rolling:
1. PRAY about it - not just once or twice - consistently, especially if you are a faithful, God trusting person, (or even if you're not) try it anyway!
2. Search the internet for how-to's and/or tutorials to try something new. I love Ivy Newport. She has such a great variety of classes that are fun, inspiring and affordable.
3. Take a class at a local art center
4. Read up on a subject(s) that excites you or that you always wanted to know more about.
5. Just do it - don't let fear of failure stop you!
I know I am guilty about waiting until the moment is just right, until I have all the right supplies, the right space, until I've read up on the subject, and until I have to have the right amount of time set aside with no interruptions etc... those are all excuses. JUST DO IT!